The communication and representation of a brand’s message through all forms of medium.
The underlying thread that binds many products together is their brand, and how new products fit into a family of products. Branding products is a matter of positioning, but even within a family of products, positioning can be seen by a simple change in materials, which can change the perceived position of the product. In line with our holistic view, we see Branding and Marketing as one of the main pillars of our product design and development requirements.

Branding & Marketing
A well-defined brand can help communicate more than just a name. How is the product positioned within its brand and how is it positioned against its competitors?
Most projects are intended to be commercialized, and we must be able to tell the story of the product in coordination with its brand. A unified strategy encompasses the brand, product, components, physical and digital interactions, packaging, marketing, and advertising campaigns, to create a solid customer facing message.